Garden Design & Maintenance
We will transform your outdoor space into a lush sanctuary and ensure it stays healthy and vibrant all year round.
Garden Design
Transforming your entire outdoor space into the sanctuary of your dreams.
DESIGN PHASE - starts at £550
online conversationGARDEN SURVEY
site visit, requirements gathering, measurements and photosMASTER PLAN
master drawing showing new design with construction detail for third partiesPLANTING PLAN AND SCHEDULE
planting area drawing and a detailed list of types and quantities of plants requiredPLANT AND MATERIAL SOURCING AND COSTING
a detailed cost estimate for the project, including plants, materials, labour, and any additional featuresIMPLEMENTATION - to be costed during design phase
GROUND PREPARATION - £150 (per day)
clearance and soil improvement (varies depending on the size of the project)PLANTING - £150 (per day)
varies depending on the size of the projectExcludes hardscaping & rubbish disposal will be charged separately
Planting Design
Transforming your existing planting areas, patios and balconies into luscious green islands.
DESIGN PHASE - starts at £350
telephone conversationGARDEN SURVEY
site visit, requirements gathering, measurements and photosPLANTING PLAN AND SCHEDULE
planting area drawing and a detailed list of types and quantities of plants requiredPLANTS SOURCING AND COSTING
a detailed cost estimate for the project, including plants, materials, labour, and any additional featuresIMPLEMENTATION - to be costed during design phase
GROUND PREPARATION - £150 (per day)
clearance and soil improvement (varies depending on the size of the project)PLANTING - £150 (per day)
varies depending on the size of the projectRubbish disposal will be charged separately
Garden Maintenance
Ensuring your garden remains healthy, beautiful and productive throughout the year.
Tasks include:
• lawn care and fertilisation
• weeding, pruning and trimming
• mulching and watering
• planting and transplanting
• seasonal clean-up
and moreAD HOC ONE DAY - £150
9am - 5pmAD HOC HALF DAY - £80
9am - 1pm or 1pm - 5pmREGULAR MAINTENANCE
please enquireRubbish disposal will be charged separately